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Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency Supports Expansion of Smart Energy into Smart City.

Dr. Prasert Sinsukprasert, Director General of Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, expressed his opinion that the Ministry of Energy has joined in promoting smart cities in many dimensions, especially on Smart Energy, which is an important part in driving efficient economic activities, and the foundation to develop smart cities in other dimensions. The Ministry also has policies and measures to support the transition from traditional energy to clean energy, so that the energy sector can achieve the goal of moving towards a low-carbon economy and society, and can reduce the impact of climate change. 
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Pre-registration is now open!!
"Get ready to mark your calendar!  The "Thailand Smart City Expo 2023" is happening from November 22nd to 24th at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC). Pre-registration is now open for those interested in exploring the latest technologies and innovations for smart cities, with a focus on improving the quality of life in Thailand's future. Get ready for groundbreaking innovations from renowned technology experts in the following categories:

Smart Telecom ● Smart Energy ● Smart Living  ● Smart Industry & Retail  ● Smart Mobility  ● Smart Environment ● Smart Healthcare 

Immerse yourself in a wealth of knowledge at this international conference and seminars led by leading organizations. Together, we aim to elevate Thailand's smart city initiatives to compete on a global scale.
The Thailand Smart City Expo 2023 is organized by N.C.C. Management & Development Co., Ltd. and the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA).

Smart Telecom
Sustainability Future of Smart City
Smart Mobility
Smart Healthcare
Smart Environment
IAQ Monitoring
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